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Our Heart Is Our True Indicator

"Our heart is our true indicator."

This powerful message came through today during my morning meditation. It all started with talking. Talking; it's what we do constantly. We talk to others with our voices. We also talk to ourselves with our inner voice, and that inner voice never seems to cease. For me, it's going 24/7. I often find myself having to take several moments a day to tune into why I'm talking so much internally. It's a new practice; something I've adopted as part of understanding my thoughts and how they're connected, or not connected, to my feelings and emotions.

With so much chatter, I find it difficult to truly listen to my heart. The heart tells us so much, if we are able and willing to listen. During my meditation, I focus on feelings. I find it fascinating that my mind can create feelings and emotions. Since I am learning to love myself more and understanding what true love means, to me, I use the two beautiful souls I created, my daughters, as the highest form of love. There are two very distinct moments that stand out in my mind that, when I think of them, I am instantly propelled into that feeling of true, unabiding, uncondional love.

Today, I sat with my hand on my heart, closed my eyes and thought of each one separately. As tears filled my eyes, I felt an intense energy from head to toe. Every cell in my body was feeling this amazingly beautiful feeling. I noticed the beating in my chest getting faster. My heart was racing. As I sat in that beautiful moment, I felt such gratitude for my heart. I thanked her graciously, and vowed to listen to her more clearly, more sincerely.

After, so many questions began flowing. How can a thought of something induce a physical reaction? Does that mean I don't actually have to be in a present moment to feel love, but to simply be present in a thought of a moment is enough excite an emotion? How much talk or chatter gets in the way of listening to our hearts?

Our thoughts are powerful. So powerful that just merely thinking about something can propel our body into feeling. Our thoughts have the ability to affect us on a physical level. For me, if my thoughts are running all day, every day, what am I doing to myself on a cellular level?

Science has revealed that proteins in our brains, neuropeptides, attach to our thoughts, making them tangible in our body. When neuropeptides are released, they search for cell receptors that fit their profile. Meaning, if you have a negative thought, a neuropeptide with that feeling travels around the body looking for a cell that it can attach itself to. Once attached, that thought influences the cell, and that negative feeling is now a part of your cellular body. When those cells produce daughter cells, those receptor sites increase, and when you feel negative thoughts on a daily basis, more and more of those cells will attach to more and more sites.

When I learned this, my mind was blown. All those affirmations I read on the internet about positive thinking started making sense. It's so very important to be aware of our thoughts, to slow down and tune into where those thoughts are coming from, to be kind and gentle with ourselves, to heal those parts of ourself and to feed our cells positive proteins, so their offspring can be born with receptor cites that attract more and more of those positive feelings, to nourish our bodies with love, respect and kindness.

Our heart truly is our greatest indictor. Imagine if we could live in our heart's guidance all the time. Take some time to listen to your heart today. What is this beautiful connection to source telling you?

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